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Families First: A Post-Apocalyptic Next World Series - Volume 4 - Paperback - Signed Edition

Families First: A Post-Apocalyptic Next World Series - Volume 4 - Paperback - Signed Edition

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Families First: A Post-Apocalyptic Next World Series - Volume 4 - Paperback - Signed Edition

Volume 4 Hard Roads

Having helped the Raton Pass Militia defend themselves, Lance and Joy know that the time has come to move on to their Saddle Ranch objective. The delay has cost them dear, but he knows it was something they had to do.

In a world where all sense of community and thought for others is rapidly disappearing, that one act was enough to restore Lance’s faith that he had not lost his empathy for his fellow man.

Now faced with a detour through the Rocky Mountains, the group seems further from their goal than ever but is also filled with a new sense of comradeship and belief in themselves. With more new friends to be made, including a high ranking US Army Colonel who is able to fill in some of their information gaps, Lance is filled with a new certainty that they will make it, despite the seemingly endless dangers they face and their continued harassment by bands of hostiles.

But even now there are difficult choices to be made. Do they ignore the problems of others they encounter, or do they stop to intervene when necessary? Every wrong they seek to right will impact on their chances of ever seeing the safety of Saddle Ranch. But will their consciences allow them to pass them by?

Hard Roads is the fourth book in the seven book series.

If you enjoy Post Apocalyptic with a family based-dynamic, average people and humor thrown in, then you have found your series by debut fiction author Lance K Ewing. Pick up Families First Volume 4  to continue this exciting new series today!

Rated PG-13 for Moderate violence and Mild language.

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