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Families First: A Post-Apocalyptic Next World Series - Volume 3 - Paperback - Signed Edition

Families First: A Post-Apocalyptic Next World Series - Volume 3 - Paperback - Signed Edition

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Families First: A Post-Apocalyptic Next World Series - Volume 3 - Paperback - Signed Edition

Families First Volume 3 Second Wind. Volume 3 continues the story and is sure to engage readers continuing the series.

The post-apocalyptic world has never been more dangerous. As Lance,Joy and their bedraggled group of survivors trek wearily across a wasted American nation, fighting off bands of criminals that would take everything they own, they discover that the most serious threat is still before them.

Their numbers increasing at every stage, they now enter Raton Pass, New Mexico, a place where any semblance of rational thought or empathy for other human beings has long since ceased to exist. Here on this pristine mountain top, good and evil are separated by one river dividing the territories.

There they learn of a man with a mind that has been ravaged by the religious fanaticism that has given so many the forlorn hope they now cling to, at the head of hundreds of followers who are ready to do anything to stop Lance and Joy's group from going one step further.

As they decide how best to cope with the danger they now face, an unexpected ally comes to their aid, carrying news of what really happened when the lights went out across the nation. But will this new friend be enough to help the survivors in their hour of greatest need?

Second Wind is the third book in the seven book series.

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